Images and dreams

Aqua Ingravitas

Aqua Ingravitas is an exhibition on underwater dance. The show features photographs and a video installation which is the result of my collaboration with contemporary New Zealand dancers.

The exhibition of large scale photographs is a reversion of the accepted path, from the conceptual to the form. I first lets the form emerge as a realisation of the Archetypes that populate my reality, my mind and my life. I silence my thoughts and let the form appear and take a life of its own. Isolated from the world, in silence and darkness, these pure forms manifest themselves; serendipitous, unrepeatable, freed of the confusing and chaotic environment of our lives.

Aqua Ingravitas acknowledges the visual and aesthetic Catholicism of Jose G. Cano's childhood, the time passed in Baroque churches full of angels and saints, of Madonnas and goddesses, the Renaissance bodies telling mythical stories of humanity, dreams and fears. I have been heavily influenced by the ideas of the deep psychologist C.G.Jung, this project is also a recognition of the important work of Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. and her book “ Goddesses in Everywoman”